The essence of fear inspired this watercolor piece…

I saw a film. You wouldn’t say it was a pleasant one, but clever and accurate it certainly was. True, historical, disturbing something to watch. It was suggested to me and it provoked some sort of images that drew themselves out onto this paper.


Inspiration is a funny thing.


The magdelane sisers,(The Magdalene Sisters (2002) is a film set in old Ireland, following the lives of various women, entering a nunnery. The setting is more of an asylum than any house of god.

The women encounter various blows that harm their mind and self of being, driving some to the brinks of death purely from the words of the master nuns. Now then, during the film one of the girls escape, she is set upon the road by pure exploration, and stands outside of the nunnery’s bounds. it is a moment of consideration as she stands, yet she turns around despite all of the previous harm that was done to her and returns to the “hell” of an Abby.

According to the wikipedia “fear is an emotion induced by a perceived threat which causes entities to quickly pull far away from it and usually hide. It is a basic survival mechanism occurring in response to a specific stimulus, such as pain or the threat of danger.”

The nun was raped before admitted to the nunnery, in a sick way to say “she was a sin of a women” and her struggle was an insult to god, the times they lived in were horridious, but it made me think. If wikipedia’s definition of fear is correct, then the epitome of her fear must have rested outside the Abby walls, and she retreats to it in response of a “sick sanctuary”.


          The girl in my painting must have felt fear, she retreated from my mind and “quickly         pulled herself away” and landed safely on a scrap of watercolor paper…

xoxo, Anna.


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Anna Wills Liverpool.

         “Why did I draw this?”
Why did I draw this yesterday.
From whence my inspiration? Why did I draw this yesterday? It was a day when my own    little “suction” was absent.
Now, what do I mean by “suction”?
Suction is my inspiration, as I draw the world in.

In clearer terms,  coffee.

Anyway “it” was missing, and therefore my drink would be obtained from the tap, via occasional gulps from the sink faucet.Inspiration was not born in the ombresque cream ridden liquid of coffee. Instead, it was born in a short film –

also, nobody is getting lashed.

When two words rhyme it’s “coup de foudre” or love at first site. These two had a nice rhythm on the tongue and I had to ship them.
Now then, the image for this little art piece slivered in my mind while I was watching “Easy they come Easy they go” a short film directed by the famous, yet film student director star Bonnie Wright.
The film took place in East Sussex; yet “Liverpool” wouldn’t erase itself from my memory so I had to grasp it, plunge it on paper to finally “lash” it out of my mind.
Here is the short film, By Bonnie Wright.

Xo, Anna Wills.