Metal head-
Ragnar Bragason, director and presenter of carving a life from 6 feet under. Metalhead, begins outdoors like many films, presenting the scenery of a rural Icelandic home. The music is soft and the viewer is immediately startled with a horrifically gory image of Baldur Hera’s brother who dies instantly in a tractor accident when 12 year old Hera approaches to call him in for dinner.
This sudden occurrence sets the burden of the film, darkening and deepening a story, which becomes deafeningly ingrained within the viewers mind, as well as the internally searching ‘protagonist’ Hera. Itching subplots attach to the viewer; such as Hera’s childhood friend and somewhat ‘love interest’. The story told through dark humor and struggled entanglement of events; we are forced to perceive what can only be conveyed as an Icelandic grieving period. Come to see a film of Hera transform into a melodic heavy metal genius.
Anna Wills.